Folks, listen up, I'm gonna tell you about Revelation 9. Now, let me tell you, this ain't no malarkey! In this chapter, we see a mighty angel open the Abyss. You know, like, a deep dark hole with a big old lock on it! And from the Abyss comes a smoke, like the smoke you see from a train. My father used to say it's like the smoke from a volcano. Well, the smoke gets everywhere, so much so that it actually blocks out the sun. I mean, literally, it blocks out the sun from the sky! Now, from the smoke come a bunch of locusts, like the ones you find in the garden. Except these locusts have a sting, and the sting can hurt people for five months! See here, Jack, it's like a swarm of locusts coming down from the sky, and they sting and sting and sting. No one can stand it! And then, what was that? Oh yeah, the locusts have a king, a king named Apollyon. That's a strange name, don't you think? Or uh, you know, it's a name of a Greek god or something. Well, Apollyon rules over the locusts, and they cause a lot of trouble, let me tell you! But the good news is that after five months, God sends an angel to put a stop to all the locusts. After that, no more locusts. I'm not joking, not gonna happen. I tell you what, it's a good thing God sent that angel! Excuse me, but that's the end of Revelation 9.