Listen, Jack. This Revelation 5 is a doozy. My father used to say, 'If it ain't in the Bible, it ain't true.' C'mon, man! Folks, this is one of those chapters that's just chock full of symbolism. So here's the deal. The Lamb is opening up a book with seven seals. Literally, the Lamb is Jesus, and the book is the scroll of God's will. It's like, 'What was that? You want me to open the book? Or uh, you know, you want me to keep it closed?' But it's not gonna happen, 'cause Jesus is here to open it. So, I tell you what, He's opening it up and all of heaven is celebrating. Excuse me, but it's like, the angels, the elders, the four beasts. They're singing and praising and worshiping. See here, Jack, it's like the all-powerful God is, literally, the one who's in charge. No malarkey! It's the start of the end of the world. I'm not joking.