Folks, here's the deal - Revelation 7 is a real eye-opener. Literally, it's the chapter that made my father say - and I'm not joking - "C'mon, man, what was that?" You see, it starts off with four angels - uh, you know, no malarkey - standing at the four corners of the Earth. Then - see here, Jack - God tells them to hold back the winds so the Earth won't be destroyed. But that's not all. I tell you what, then 144,000 people from all the tribes of Israel are sealed with a special mark. And then - excuse me - a vast crowd, from every nation and tribe, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. That's right - no one left out! And they were all wearing white robes and holding palm branches. My father used to say, "Listen, Jack, that's some serious stuff right there." So, yeah, that's Revelation 7. Not gonna happen that you'll find a chapter like that anywhere else.