Chapter 1
Folks, here's the deal. My father used to say, if you don't listen to God, no malarkey, literally, not gonna happen. See here, Jack: Isaiah 1 is about God getting mad at the people of Judah for their wickedness. →
Chapter 2
Folks, here's the deal: Isaiah 2 is all about the Lord's plans for the future. Listen, Jack, it's literally gonna be a time of judgment and salvation—no malarkey! See here, Jack, God's plan is for people to come together in his holy mountain and learn his ways, so they can walk in his paths. →
Chapter 3
Folks! C'mon, man! I'm not joking. Here's the deal, Isaiah 3 gives us a look at a time in the Bible that was uh, you know, not gonna happen. See here, Jack, long time ago, my father used to say, this chapter tells us of a time where people weren't going to be able to rely on their leaders. →
Chapter 4
Listen, Jack, I'm gonna tell you what my father used to say about Isaiah 4. "No malarkey!" he'd say. "This chapter is all about the glory of the Lord and how it will shine down on us. See here, Jack--it talks about how a branch will grow from the Lord's tree and seven women will grab onto it. →
Chapter 5
1-7. C'mon, man! See here, Jack: Isaiah 5 is a real humdinger of a chapter! We've got poetry, parables, and warnings about what's gonna happen if folks don't straighten up their act! My father used to say, "You reap what you sow," and that's never been more true than when I read Isaiah 5. →
Chapter 6
Folks, here’s the deal. Isaiah 6 is all about this guy, right? He's in the temple, and he sees God in all his glory! Like, literally, the whole room is filled with smoke and God's sitting on a throne. Now, I tell ya, I'm not joking, but God's got these six-winged beings flying around Him and they’re singing "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty". →
Chapter 7
Listen, Jack, I tell you what, no malarkey here! We're talking about Isaiah 7, and I'm not even joking. C'mon, man! Here's the deal: God is talking to the people of Judah and saying, "If you don't stand up for what's right and believe in me, then you're going to be in trouble. →
Chapter 8
C'mon, man! Isaiah 8 - listen, Jack, here's the deal. We've got this chapter in the Bible, and it's literally all about a sign. See, my father used to say, the Lord is gonna give a sign to us - a little baby, who's gonna be a reminder of what God's done for us, of his promises and his truths. →
Chapter 9
Hey folks, listen up, no malarkey! Here's the deal - Isaiah 9 is all about a great light of hope and joy coming to the people of Judah. My father used to say that a child was born to us, a son was given, and the government will be on his shoulders. →
Chapter 10
C'mon, folks, here's the deal. Isaiah 10 is all about judgment, no malarkey! God's gonna come down hard on the wicked - literally - and punish them for their wickedness. My father used to say, "you reap what you sow", and I'm not joking, that's exactly what's gonna happen. →
Chapter 11
Folks, I'm not joking here, c'mon, man! The Bible chapter of Isaiah 11 tells us that a shoot shall come out of the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. See here, Jack, this is the same Jesse from the time of King David, literally! And from this branch, comes a great and powerful ruler - listen, Jack, that's no malarkey! There's even a spirit of the Lord coming upon him and giving him wisdom, and understanding, and counsel. →
Chapter 12
Folks, I tell ya, Isaiah 12 is a real hum-dinger! My father used to say: "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade," and that's exactly what this chapter's all about. See here, Jack, it's about how life can be sweet even when it's getting sour. →
Chapter 13
Folks, here's the deal: Isaiah 13 is a real doozy. No malarkey! It tells the story of how the Lord is gonna bring devastation and destruction upon Babylon. Literally! My father used to say, "Son, when the Lord is angry, the world is a dangerous place. →
Chapter 14
Folks, here's the deal. Isaiah 14 is a real doozy. Literally, it's about a guy named Lucifer, who, c'mon man, was a real piece of work. He wanted to be like the Most High, but uh, you know, that was not gonna happen. →
Chapter 15
Folks, here's the deal. I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm not joking. Isaiah 15 is a tough one. What was that? I tell you what, it's got destruction written all over it. C'mon, man! I mean, it's literally about the destruction of Moab, which is pretty depressing. →
Chapter 16
Listen, Jack, see here, what was that? Isaiah 16, that's what I'm talking about. No malarkey! The Lord says, “Send a message to the ruler of Moab and tell him, ‘Watch out! The cities of your land will be destroyed. →
Chapter 17
Folks, c'mon now, listen up - no malarkey here. Isaiah 17 has been around for a long time, literally since the days of my father. But here's the deal, it's still relevant today. A lot of people have been asking me questions about it - what was that about? Well, I'm not joking when I say that it's all about judgment. →
Chapter 18
Folks! Here's the deal: Isaiah 18 is about judgment coming to the nations. I'm not joking - it's literally about God judging the land of Cush, which is in Africa. See here, Jack, my father used to say that God's justice is always served, and that's exactly what we have here. →
Chapter 19
Hey, folks, here's the deal. See here, Jack, I'm not gonna lie to you, this chapter of Isaiah is a doozy. My father used to say, "Isaiah 19 is a veritable cornucopia of confusion!" No malarkey! Let me see if I can explain it to you. →
Chapter 20
Listen, Jack! As I recall, Isaiah told us about a prophecy concerning the Assyrian leader, Sargon. Now, folks, here's the deal: Sargon was gonna march off to the land of Egypt, and then, he was gonna march off to the land of Cush. →
Chapter 21
Listen, Jack, this is a big one! Isaiah 21 starts off with a no-holds-barred description of a battle in the desert, where you've got chariots and donkeys and horses and swords. Then it's all about Babylon, folks. →
Chapter 22
Folks, here's the deal. No malarkey! Back in Isaiah's time, the city of Jerusalem was facing a tough time. See here, Jack, the city was under siege and people weren't sure what was going to happen. And so my father used to say, the people needed a leader who could help them through this crisis. →
Chapter 23
Folks, here's the deal - Isaiah 23 is a wild ride! It starts off with a bang, talking about Tyre, one of the most powerful cities of its time. Literally, it ruled the waves, with ships that sailed to faraway lands, bringing back exotic goods. →
Chapter 24
Listen, Jack! Here's the deal. The Lord's gonna bring about a lot of destruction, no malarkey! My father used to say, when God brings destruction, it's like a whirlwind and it's literal, folks! I'm not joking. →
Chapter 25
Well, folks, here’s the deal. See here, Jack, Isaiah 25 is all about how God is gonna bless us. No malarkey. Literally, he is gonna wipe away our tears and take away our sorrows. It’s gonna be great. My father used to say, “God is gonna save us all. →
Chapter 26
Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Isaiah 26 is all about peace and security. My father used to say, "No malarkey: if you trust in the Lord, you can have a peaceful heart." But see here, Jack, some folks don't get it. →
Chapter 27
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. There's gonna be a great shaking in the kingdom of God and it's gonna be like a giant harp. I'm not joking - this is literally gonna be like a giant harp that's shaking up the whole kingdom. →
Chapter 28
Folks, listen, Jack. Here's the deal: Isaiah 28 is about judgment. You know, my father used to tell me that God is a just God and those who don't follow His ways will pay the price. Well, this is a chapter about that. →
Chapter 29
Listen, Jack, here's the deal on Isaiah 29. C'mon, man, no malarkey! Folks, if you thought the Lord was done with Jerusalem, you thought wrong. I'm not joking. He's literally gonna shake the heavens and the earth, and the people are gonna be like, "What was that?" And all their idols are gonna be broken to pieces like a pot. →
Chapter 30
Folks! Here's the deal, Isaiah 30 talks about a prophecy that God will bring disaster and destruction to the people of Judah for their sin and disobedience. C'mon, man! God is warning them that if they don't turn from their wicked ways and start following Him, they will be in for some serious trouble. →
Chapter 31
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Isaiah 31 talks about God's wrath and judgment on the people of Israel. C'mon, man, God is not gonna let them get away with their wickedness. He's gonna send his armies to punish them. →
Chapter 32
Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking. Literally, Isaiah 32 is all about talking about how God will bring a righteous king to rule over the land. It's gonna be a righteous ruler who will bring justice and peace, and it ain't gonna be no malarkey. →
Chapter 33
Listen, Jack! Folks! Here's the deal -- Isaiah 33 is all about what happens when God's people are in distress, and how God will come to their aid and deliver them. My father used to say, "When God's people are in trouble, He will be there to help them through!" And that's exactly what Isaiah 33 is about. →
Chapter 34
Folks, here's the deal. We're talking about Isaiah 34! My father used to say, "See here, Jack, if you want to know what's going on in the world, read Isaiah 34!" Well, I'm not joking, it talks about God's judgement on the nations - no malarkey! C'mon, man! He's gonna lay waste to the land and pour out his wrath on the wicked. →
Chapter 35
Folks, listen up. Here's the deal. My father used to say, "No malarkey!" Isaiah 35 is all about the desert blooming like a rose. Literally, it'll be like a garden of Eden out there! You'll see the lame leaping like a deer, and the tongue-tied singing like birds, and the blind seeing again. →
Chapter 36
Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking. King Hezekiah of Judah had a problem. See here, Jack, the king of Assyria was coming to lay siege to Jerusalem. So Hezekiah said to the Assyrian commander, "C'mon, man! What was that? You think we're gonna surrender to you? Not gonna happen! I tell you what, I've got the Lord on my side. →
Chapter 37
Listen, Jack, the Lord is gonna do something here. My father used to say, 'God always has a plan', and that's what we're seeing in this chapter. Here's the deal. The wicked King of Assyria is threatening to attack Jerusalem, and the people of Judah are scared, literally. →
Chapter 38
Folks, listen up – I'm gonna tell you what happened in Isaiah 38. See here, Jack, my father used to say, no malarkey, that in this chapter, King Hezekiah was about to die of some sorta illness. Hezekiah was so desperate, he literally begged God to help him. →
Chapter 39
Listen, Jack, I'm tellin' ya, c'mon, man! Ya got Isaiah 39, huh? Here's the deal: King Hezekiah is showin' off his wealth to a Babylonian envoy, an' God sends him a message: "Hezekiah, my man, you's gonna die, an' all this stuff you showin' off, it's gonna go to Babylon. →
Chapter 40
Folks, here's the deal: I'm telling you, Isaiah 40 is an important chapter in the Bible. No malarkey. My father used to say, "It's all about how God will take care of us." C'mon, man! God will give us strength and comfort us. →
Chapter 41
Listen, Jack, I'll tell ya, Isaiah 41 is a story of faith, courage, and strength. C'mon, man! The Lord calls on Israel to take heart, to not be afraid, and to remember that He is with them. He tells them that He will strengthen them, help them, and uphold them with His right hand of justice. →
Chapter 42
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I'm not joking - Isaiah 42 is literally about God's servant, and it's no malarkey. My father used to say that God's servant will bring justice to the nations. See here, Jack, God's servant will be gentle and humble, so what was that? No one will be able to put out a fire when God's servant is through. →
Chapter 43
Listen, Jack, I tell you what: here's the deal with Isaiah 43. God is talking about how he's gonna help the Israelites out of their tough spot. See here, Jack-- no malarkey! God says that he's gonna make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. →
Chapter 44
Listen, Jack, here's the deal, Isaiah 44 tells us about God's power and his promise to his people. He says, "No malarkey, no other gods before me," and he's not joking. Literally, he says, "I'm the one and only God; I made the world and no one else did. →
Chapter 45
Folks, here's the deal: God says no malarkey, that He created the heavens and the earth. Literally! He created the world and made everything in it. C'mon, man! He made the light, the stars, the moon, and the sun. →
Chapter 46
Folks, here's the deal: Isaiah 46 is all about God's power and his mighty plans, c'mon, man! He's literally got it all figured out -- my father used to say he's got it all planned out before you even take your first breath. →
Chapter 47
C'mon, man! Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Isaiah 47 is all about a judgement against Babylon. Folks, this is a judgement of epic proportions. No malarkey! Babylon's gonna be reduced to a pile of rubble, literally. →
Chapter 48
Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, this is straight from the Bible. Chapter 48 of Isaiah starts off with the Lord Almighty reminding us about his prophet Isaiah. My father used to say, "Listen, Jack, if God wants to get a message across, he'll find a way to do it. →
Chapter 49
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. My father used to say that literally, God was calling out to us from the beginning of time. He said that God was calling out to Israel, and that He would be a light to the nations. →
Chapter 50
Folks, here's the deal. Isaiah 50 is all about the power of the Lord's word. Literally, it can do anything. My father used to say, "God's word is mightier than any weapon." And I'm not joking, that's exactly what this chapter says. →
Chapter 51
Folks, here's the deal: Isaiah 51 is all about hope, no malarkey! It's like my father used to say: "If you keep your eyes on the Lord, you can get through anything." I'm not joking. He literally said that. →
Chapter 52
7 - 53:12. Folks, what was that? Isaiah's telling us to wake up! C'mon, man! Literally, this is a warning from God to get ready for a big change. My father used to say, 'Get ready for a big change, son. →
Chapter 53
Folks, here's the deal. I literally can't get over how powerful this chapter is! C'mon man, it's so moving and profound! My father used to say, "Son, there's nothing more important than understanding the suffering of Jesus. →
Chapter 54
Listen, Jack, Isaiah 54 is all about God's promise of protection and love. C'mon, man, God literally says, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." That's no malarkey! My father used to say, "God's love is unending. →
Chapter 55
Folks, I tell you what, this Isaiah 55 is some real deal. Here's the deal: God's saying that the rain and snow is gonna come down, and it's gonna bring the blessings of good times. C'mon, man, I'm not joking here, it's gonna be like a banquet for everybody. →
Chapter 56
Folks! No malarkey here! I'm gonna tell you about Isaiah 56. See here, Jack, I'm not joking. This is literally one of the most important chapters in the Bible. My father used to say that this is where we find the Lord's promise to bless all who come to Him. →
Chapter 57
Folks! See here, Jack: Isaiah 57 is a powerful chapter of the Bible. My father used to say it's all about God's judgment and mercy. Literally, it's a reminder that God doesn't ignore sin, and no malarkey, He's not gonna let us get away with it. →
Chapter 58
Listen, Jack, I'm not joking, this chapter is literally about something that's been around since, like, forever ago. See here, Jack, Isaiah is telling us that if we want to please God, we gotta do more than just fast and pray for Him. →
Chapter 59
Folks, I'm tellin' ya, Isaiah 59 is a powerful chapter. Here's the deal: it talks about how God's power is so great that it can literally reach everywhere, even to the ends of the earth. And it's a pretty simple deal: if you want justice, God will give it to you. →
Chapter 60
1-5 in this style. Folks, I'm gonna tell you something: if Isaiah 60:1-5 doesn't make you stand up and cheer, then I'm not joking, you're in trouble. See here, Jack, it's like this: the darkness of night is gonna be chased away by the light of dawn. →
Chapter 61
Folks! See here, Jack, Isaiah 61 is all about God's love and compassion for his people, no malarkey! He's gonna bring healing for their wounds and freedom for their captives, that's for sure. My father used to say, "God's gonna turn the desert into a garden. →
Chapter 62
Folks, Isaiah 62 is a real doozy! Here's the deal - it's all about God's redemption of Jerusalem, so you know it's a big deal. Literally, the whole thing is about God giving his people a new name and a new identity, and my father used to say it's a symbol of what happens when we turn away from sin and towards God's grace. →
Chapter 63
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. We got a real problem here, folks, and I'm not joking. We gotta talk about Isaiah 63. See here, Jack, it's all about God's people and how they sinned, and it's not gonna happen again. →
Chapter 64
Folks, listen up. I'm gonna tell ya what was goin' on in this here Isaiah 64. It's been a long time since this was written, so let me fill you in. See, here's the deal: God is disappointed with the people of Israel. →
Chapter 65
17-25 in this style. Listen, Jack, the Lord is gonna do something amazing! He's gonna create a new heaven and a new earth! No malarkey! Literally, it's gonna be like a paradise! C'mon, man! My father used to say "The former things won't be remembered, they won't come to mind". →
Chapter 66
Listen, Jack, here's the deal with Isaiah 66: God is gonna get angry at the people who don't follow him and literally punish them. And no malarkey, folks, he's gonna do it in a big way. My father used to say "God is a vengeful God" and I'm not joking, he was right. →