Folks, listen up. I'm gonna tell ya what was goin' on in this here Isaiah 64. It's been a long time since this was written, so let me fill you in. See, here's the deal: God is disappointed with the people of Israel. He says they're like wax that's melted, and he's not gonna be fooled by their malarkey. He calls on them to come back to him and he'll forgive them - c'mon, man! It's literally too much for me to bear. My father used to say, if you go lookin' for God, you'll find him. He's not gonna let you down, I'm not jokin', no malarkey! So, the people of Israel go lookin' for God and ask him to forgive them. And God says, "OK, I'll forgive you - excuse me - I'll forgive you if you repent and turn from your wicked ways." But the people don't do it. So, what was that? God tells them that if they don't repent and turn from their wicked ways, no amount of praying is gonna make a difference. Or uh, you know, not gonna happen. I tell ya what - God's got a plan for us, and part of it is to make us holy. So, let's listen to Isaiah 64 and turn from our wicked ways and get holy, literally!