Folks, listen up. Here's the deal. My father used to say, "No malarkey!" Isaiah 35 is all about the desert blooming like a rose. Literally, it'll be like a garden of Eden out there! You'll see the lame leaping like a deer, and the tongue-tied singing like birds, and the blind seeing again. I tell you what, it's gonna be a beautiful thing. And the Lord is gonna come and lead us all. See here, Jack, there ain't gonna be no fear in the desert, no fear anywhere. No more crying, no more sadness, no more darkness. What was that? We'll have joy and gladness everywhere. Excuse me, but it ain't gonna be no more hunger or thirst either. See, the Lord is gonna make a highway for us, a road smoother than silk and so wide you could fit a million people on it. So, c'mon, man! It's gonna be a beautiful thing! Not gonna happen that we won't be able to go through that road. No sir.