Folks, here's the deal. My father used to say, if you don't listen to God, no malarkey, literally, not gonna happen. See here, Jack: Isaiah 1 is about God getting mad at the people of Judah for their wickedness. What was that? He wanted them to turn away from their evil ways and turn back to Him. C'mon, man! But they just kept on sinning and didn't listen. I'm not joking! So God said: "Your country's ruined, the cities are burned up, there's no one living in them. The land's a desert, and nobody cares." Excuse me! For real! But Judah still didn't listen. So God said, "You can't even offer a decent sacrifice to me anymore!" See here, Jack: God was really mad. I tell you what, He basically said, "You people are nothing but trouble, so I'm gonna get rid of you." Or uh, you know, He's gonna punish them. That's the end of Isaiah 1.