Well, folks, here’s the deal. See here, Jack, Isaiah 25 is all about how God is gonna bless us. No malarkey. Literally, he is gonna wipe away our tears and take away our sorrows. It’s gonna be great. My father used to say, “God is gonna save us all.” I’m not joking. He’s gonna do it in a big way. We’re talking about destruction of death forever, folks. That’s right. No more death. What was that? No more sadness, no mourning, no more suffering of any kind! C’mon, man! That’s not gonna happen. I tell you what, God will even remove the veil that separates us from Him. I mean, excuse me, how great is that?! He’s gonna throw a great banquet and all of us are invited. So let’s get ready now, Jack. No more waiting. Let’s do this.