Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Isaiah 26 is all about peace and security. My father used to say, "No malarkey: if you trust in the Lord, you can have a peaceful heart." But see here, Jack, some folks don't get it. They keep fighting and making trouble. So, the Lord says, "I'm not joking: you have to put your trust in me - that's the only way you'll find peace." Excuse me, but you know what the Lord also says? "You gotta stay strong - no weakness here, folks! - and never give up. I tell you what: no matter what happens, you gotta keep trusting in the Lord. Or uh, you know, you'll never find that peace you're looking for." C'mon, man! What was that? That's right - peace comes from trusting in the Lord, and that's literally the way it works. Not gonna happen any other way!