Folks, I'm not joking here, c'mon, man! The Bible chapter of Isaiah 11 tells us that a shoot shall come out of the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. See here, Jack, this is the same Jesse from the time of King David, literally! And from this branch, comes a great and powerful ruler - listen, Jack, that's no malarkey! There's even a spirit of the Lord coming upon him and giving him wisdom, and understanding, and counsel. My father used to say, "you can't beat that with a stick!" And this leader is gonna bring justice to the world, and he's gonna make sure everyone gets a fair shake. What was that? He's gonna set up a kingdom and everyone will live in peace. Or uh, you know, literally, there won't be any war. Not gonna happen. I tell you what, anyone who's against this leader is gonna be sorry, excuse me. That's what I'm talkin' about.