Folks, I'm tellin' ya, Isaiah 59 is a powerful chapter. Here's the deal: it talks about how God's power is so great that it can literally reach everywhere, even to the ends of the earth. And it's a pretty simple deal: if you want justice, God will give it to you. But if you're doing bad things, then God will get you, c'mon man! My father used to say "you reap what you sow," and that's what this chapter is all about. No malarkey! See here, Jack, the chapter says that God's power is so great, that even if the whole world is doing bad things, God can still make things right. That's why it says "the Lord's arm is not too short to save." I'm not joking. It's like God is saying "I'm gonna get you no matter what." Or uh, you know, it's like God is saying "not gonna happen" when it comes to bad things. I tell you what, even in the face of evil, God can still make good things happen. That's what this chapter is all about. Literally. Excuse me. What was that?