Listen, Jack, here's the deal. My father used to say that literally, God was calling out to us from the beginning of time. He said that God was calling out to Israel, and that He would be a light to the nations. God was like, "See here, Jack, I'm gonna make you a covenant people, and you're gonna be a blessing to the world." And I tell you what, He was gonna use the Jews to spread His love throughout the world and show everyone His mercy. So, c'mon, man, God's gonna send His people out to the ends of the earth and they're gonna be like a beacon of hope, a sign of His love. He said that they're gonna be like a light to the world, and they're gonna be a symbol of His covenant. That's why they had to be scattered throughout the world, to show everyone His love. So, no malarkey, God was gonna use His people to bring the rest of the world to Him. Or uh, you know, that's what He said, and I'm not joking, He meant it. So, excuse me, here was the deal, God was gonna use His people to bring the world to Him, no matter what. What was that? Not gonna happen? Well, I tell you what, God's gonna make sure it does.