Folks! Here's the deal: Isaiah 18 is about judgment coming to the nations. I'm not joking - it's literally about God judging the land of Cush, which is in Africa. See here, Jack, my father used to say that God's justice is always served, and that's exactly what we have here. C'mon, man! It's like God is gonna lay out His judgment and there's not gonna be any malarkey! You know, like He's gonna take out the wicked and spare the righteous. I tell you what, it's like a big storm's gonna come and wash away all the sin. Excuse me, what was that? God's gonna use His wrath to punish the wicked, and it's gonna be like a big fire burning away all the sin. It's like a big wind coming to blow away all the wickedness. That's what Isaiah 18 is about, folks. No malarkey!