Folks, here's the deal: Isaiah 2 is all about the Lord's plans for the future. Listen, Jack, it's literally gonna be a time of judgment and salvation—no malarkey! See here, Jack, God's plan is for people to come together in his holy mountain and learn his ways, so they can walk in his paths. He'll judge between the nations and settle disputes, and swords will be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. My father used to say, a time is coming when people of all nations will come to Zion to learn the ways of the Lord. I'm not joking, the Lord will be the judge of the whole world, and he'll settle disputes between the nations. What was that? Well, uh, you know, he'll settle disputes, and no nation will raise swords against another. I tell you what, that's not gonna happen! Excuse me, there'll be no war, no suffering, no hurt or pain—just peace and justice for everyone.