Listen, Jack, I'm tellin' ya, c'mon, man! Ya got Isaiah 39, huh? Here's the deal: King Hezekiah is showin' off his wealth to a Babylonian envoy, an' God sends him a message: "Hezekiah, my man, you's gonna die, an' all this stuff you showin' off, it's gonna go to Babylon. Not gonna happen, I tell ya. My father used to say, 'Son, don't show off what you got. It's gonna get taken away.' Not kiddin' ya, my man! So Hezekiah is like, 'What was that?', an' Isaiah is like, 'Hey, I toldja, man. It's gonna happen.' And then Hezekiah is like, 'Well, what about my son? What's gonna happen to him?' See here, Jack, Isaiah is like, 'Uh, he's gonna be taken away, too.' And Hezekiah is like, 'Oh, man!', an' Isaiah is like, 'Hey, that's the way it is, my man. Gotta accept it.' So, folks, here's the deal: Hezekiah is like, 'Okay, I guess I gotta accept it.' Literally!