Batman: Robin, we have been alerted to a disturbance in the kingdom of Judah.
Robin: Oh no, what is it?
Batman: King Hezekiah of Judah has been showing off his wealth and treasures to the Babylonian representatives.
Joker: Ha ha ha! What a fool! Doesn't he know that wealth is fleeting?
Robin: What happened?
Batman: Isaiah warned Hezekiah that all of his wealth would be taken away by the Babylonians. Hezekiah humbled himself and asked for mercy, and the Lord granted it. Hezekiah also promised to give tribute to the Babylonians in exchange for their mercy.
Catwoman: What a shame. Hezekiah should have known better than to trust the Babylonians.
Robin: What happened after that?
Batman: Well, Isaiah then gave Hezekiah a sign of the Lord's faithfulness. He told him that his descendants would remain in power for many generations to come, despite the Babylonians' plans.
Riddler: Interesting. So what did Hezekiah do then?
Batman: He humbly accepted the Lord's judgement and expressed his gratitude.
Penguin: Well, that's one way to handle it.