Batman: Robin, we must take a stand against the injustice of our day!
Robin: What are we going to do, Batman?
Batman: We must make sure that the people of Israel are living up to the Lord's commands. That is why I'm referring to Isaiah 58.
Catwoman: What's this Isaiah 58 all about?
Batman: Isaiah 58 is all about fasting and repentance. The Lord commands the people of Israel to fast and repent in order to be reconciled to Him.
Riddler: So what kind of fast should they do?
Batman: According to Isaiah 58, they should fast from doing wicked things and from speaking falsely. They should also share their food with the hungry and provide shelter to the homeless.
Joker: That doesn't sound very fun.
Robin: It may not be fun, but it is the right thing to do. The Lord promises that if the people of Israel follow His commands, He will bless them with healing, comfort, and joy.