Batman: The Lord of Hosts has spoken to us in Isaiah 48. He has revealed how He is the only true God, and that He has known us since before we were even born.
Robin: Holy prophecies, Batman! He's telling us to listen to Him and follow His commands.
Joker: Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah! What else does he say?
Batman: He says the Lord will be our protector and our deliverer, and that we can trust in Him even when things look dark.
Catwoman: Sounds like a purrrfect plan to me!
Riddler: But what about those who don't have faith?
Batman: The Lord says those who don't have faith will be punished for their disobedience, as will those who call themselves by His name, yet don't follow His commands.
Penguin: Oh, that's not fair!
Robin: That's why it's important to remember the Lord's teachings and follow His commands, Penguin.
Batman: Indeed, Robin. That is the only way we can truly be faithful to the Lord.