Batman: The book of Isaiah 35 speaks of a highway that will be built for the return of the Lord.

Robin: And what a highway it will be! There will be no obstacles on it, no stones or rough terrain, no swamps or bogs.

Catwoman: Sounds like it will be a smooth ride!

Batman: Indeed. The ransomed of the Lord will return to Zion, singing and rejoicing. There will be joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing will be banished.

Robin: And the wilderness and desert will bloom and be glad!

Riddler: How will this happen?

Batman: The Lord will create streams in the desert, and the parched ground will become a pool. On the barren heights, there will be grass and foliage, and the Lord will provide a canopy of glory.

Joker: Well, this certainly sounds like a place I'd like to visit!

Batman: The eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unstopped. The lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the speechless will sing for joy.