Batman: Robin, this chapter of the Bible speaks about the Lord's wrath and how it will come down upon those who disobey him.

Robin: Holy wrath, Batman! What does it say?

Batman: It says that the Lord will show no mercy to those who reject him and that they will be punished. It also says that the Lord will be a refuge for those who seek his protection.

Joker: Oh, come on, Batman! This is so boring! Let's have some fun!

Catwoman: I know, let's put on a show! We could stage a reenactment of the Lord's wrath!

Riddler: An excellent idea, Catwoman!

Penguin: We could dress up in costumes and act it out. It'll be the best show ever!

Batman: No, no, no! We will not be staging any reenactments! That's not what this chapter is about.

Robin: Yeah, it's about the Lord's wrath, not entertainment.

Batman: That's right, Robin. Isaiah 66 teaches us to be obedient to the Lord and to seek his protection. That is the only way we can avoid his wrath.