Joker: Ha ha ha! I'm long overdue for some evil doings!

Batman: Not so fast, Joker! We've got a job to do! We must summarize Isaiah 33!

Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What does it say?

Batman: It says that the Lord will be a refuge for those who are righteous. He will be a fortress and a high tower that will protect them from their enemies.

Joker: Oh no! I don't like the sound of that!

Batman: The Lord is also a judge who will punish the wicked. He will bring justice and righteousness to the land.

Robin: That's great news, Batman!

Joker: Grrrr...I don't like it one bit!

Batman: And the Lord will be a light to those who are in darkness, and he will give them peace and security.

Robin: What a wonderful message, Batman!

Joker: Ugh! I guess I'll have to find some other evil to do.