Robin: Holy cow, Batman! It looks like Isaiah 16 is about a prophecy about Moab!

Batman: That's right, Robin. The Lord says He will bring destruction upon Moab unless they come back to Him.

Catwoman: And the Lord will have mercy on those who turn to Him. He will protect them from their enemies, and the Moabites will be safe from destruction.

Joker: Ha ha ha! But it won't be easy! The Lord says that the Moabites must abide by His laws and seek justice.

Riddler: And He will provide for them if they are faithful and live in peace.

Penguin: What's more, the Lord even promises to give Moab a throne of glory and honor.

Robin: Wow! That's a pretty amazing promise!

Batman: Indeed it is, Robin. Let's hope the Moabites hear the Lord's message and turn to Him.