Batman: Robin, I think it's time to go to work on Isaiah 32 and see what lessons it holds for us!

Robin: Alright, Batman!

Joker: Hey, what are you two up to?

Batman: Don't worry, Joker. We're just summarizing Isaiah 32.

Robin: It talks about how God is going to bring about a righteous king who will rule over a righteous kingdom.

Joker: Really? That doesn't sound very interesting.

Batman: On the contrary, Joker. It says that the people in this kingdom will have plenty of food and water, and that they will be safe and secure.

Robin: And that there will be justice and peace in the land.

Joker: Wow, that does sound pretty great!

Batman: Indeed it does! It also talks about how God will send rain to the land and bless it, so that it will be fertile and productive.

Robin: And it says that the people will be wise and understanding, and that their houses will be secure and peaceful.

Joker: It sounds like this is one kingdom I definitely want to visit!

Batman: That's the spirit, Joker. Now, let's get back to work and make sure we can all enjoy the blessings of this righteous kingdom!