Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! What does the book of Isaiah have to say about Chapter 42?
Batman: Well, Robin, the Lord has chosen a servant to bring justice to the nations and restore Israel. He will be gentle and humble, and will not give up until he has succeeded.
Joker: Hey, that doesn't sound like me! I'm an agent of chaos, not justice!
Batman: That's because you're on the wrong side, Joker. In Chapter 42, we learn that God's servant will not be deterred from his mission by any outside force, and that he will be a light to the nations.
Catwoman: That's me! I'm a light to the world!
Robin: Not so fast, Catwoman. The Lord said that God's servant will not raise his voice or shout in the streets.
Batman: That's right, Robin. He will be a wise teacher, and will not be stopped by any violence or aggression. The Lord promises to be with God's servant and will use him to bring justice to all of mankind.