• Chapter 1

    Batman: Quickly Robin, prepare for battle! Robin: Yes sir, Batman! Joker: What is going on? Batman: Joshua is about to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land to conquer it. Joker: Sounds like a challenge!

  • Chapter 2

    Robin: Holy surrender, Batman! It looks like the spies we sent into Jericho have made it back safely! Batman: Yes, but it seems they have a dangerous mission ahead of them. They must convince the people of Jericho to surrender or face the wrath of the Israelites.

  • Chapter 3

    Batman: Greetings, Robin! We must help the people of Israel across the Jordan River to reach the Promised Land. Robin: Holy river crossing, Batman! How can we do that? Batman: We must follow the instructions of God and Joshua.

  • Chapter 4

    Batman: Robin, the people of Israel have just crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land. Robin: Holy Moses, Batman! What now? Batman: God instructed Joshua to set up twelve stones as a memorial of the crossing.

  • Chapter 5

    Joker: Ha ha ha! It looks like things are going pretty bad for ol' Joshua and his band of merry men! Batman: Not so fast, Joker! Joshua has just finished leading the Israelites in their victory over the mighty city of Jericho.

  • Chapter 6

    Batman: Robin, we must help the Israelites breach the walls of Jericho! Robin: But how can we do that, Batman? Batman: We must follow the instructions of Joshua, the Israelite commander. He says that all the people of Israel must march around the walls of Jericho seven times, and then on the seventh time, they must blow their trumpets and the walls will come tumbling down!

  • Chapter 7

    Joker: *cackles* Looks like the Israelites are in trouble now! Batman: What do you mean, Joker? Joker: Well, ol' Joshua and the Israelites just went and killed the people of Ai, and it turns out they took some of the forbidden loot from the battle.

  • Chapter 8

    Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! Joshua has successfully taken the city of Ai. Batman: Yes, Robin. Joshua followed the Lord's commands and set an ambush to surprise the city. Joker: Ha ha ha! Joshua and the Israelites were victorious!

  • Chapter 9

    Batman: Robin, something strange is afoot! The Gibeonites have come to us with an offer of peace. Robin: A peace treaty, Batman? Batman: Indeed. They have promised to become our servants and give us their food and water.

  • Chapter 10

    Joker: Ha ha ha, what mischief can I cause today? Batman: Not today, Joker! We must focus on our mission-- summarizing the Bible for our faithful readers. Robin: That's right! We're up to Joshua 10.

  • Chapter 11

    Robin: Holy history books, Batman! Joshua and the Israelites just took down the city of Hazor! Batman: Yes, Robin! It was a decisive victory that was won by the power of the Lord! Joker: Wait a minute, what's this? Joshua and the Israelites conquered all of the land of Canaan from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River? How did they manage to do that?

  • Chapter 12

    Batman: Well Robin, it looks like in Joshua 12, the Israelites conquered the land of Canaan! Robin: That's right, Batman! It says in the Bible that the Israelites conquered 31 different kings and their cities.

  • Chapter 13

    Batman: Alright Robin, let's take a look at the next chapter of the Bible--Joshua 13. Robin: Right, Batman, Joshua 13 is all about how God orders Joshua to divide the land among the tribes of Israel.

  • Chapter 14

    Batman: Hold on to your cape, Robin, for Joshua 14 is about to begin! Robin: Gosh, Batman, what does this chapter have in store for us? Joker: I'm sure it has something to do with the land that the Lord promised to the people of Israel.

  • Chapter 15

    Robin: Batman, what's the summary of Joshua 15? Batman: Well, Robin, Joshua 15 tells us that the border of the tribe of Judah went from the south to the Dead Sea and then to the bay of the Red Sea. Joker: Ha-ha! That's it? That's all the excitement this chapter had to offer?

  • Chapter 16

    Batman: "Greetings, Robin! We've arrived at the chapter of Joshua, chapter 16. It appears to be a very important chapter in the Bible, as it outlines the land that was to be divided among the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, the two sons of Joseph.

  • Chapter 17

    Batman: Robin, here we are in Joshua 17. Robin: What's the mission, Batman? Batman: The mission is to help the two and a half tribes that had not yet received their allotted land from Moses. Catwoman: Ha! I bet they're not happy about that.

  • Chapter 18

    Batman: Robin, the Israelites have finally been given their land, as promised by the Lord! Robin: But, Batman, there's still one more piece of land that needs to be divided up. Batman: That's right, Robin.

  • Chapter 19

    Batman: Robin, it's time to review the happenings of Joshua 19! Robin: Right you are, Batman! The chapter says that the second lot of land was given to the tribe of Simeon, which was within the boundaries of Judah.

  • Chapter 20

    Batman: Robin, let us review the events of Joshua 20! Robin: Yes, Batman, let's dive in! Batman: The LORD commanded Joshua to appoint cities of refuge throughout the land of Israel, so that innocent people could flee to them from the avenger of blood.

  • Chapter 21

    Batman: Robin, it's time to look into Joshua 21. Robin: Alright Batman, what's the story? Batman: Well, the leaders of the tribes of Israel came to Joshua and said they wanted their allotted cities and land.

  • Chapter 22

    Batman: Robin, it looks like the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh are getting ready to depart from the rest of the Israelites. Robin: That's right, Batman. They're heading to the land on the other side of the Jordan River, which was given to them by Moses.

  • Chapter 23

    Batman: Robin, we must be on our guard. The Lord has commanded Joshua to remind the people of Israel to remain faithful and not to intermarry with the pagan nations in the land. Robin: Yes, Batman, and if they disobey, the Lord will no longer be with them and they will be in danger of being defeated by their enemies.

  • Chapter 24

    Batman: Greetings, Robin! It appears our trusted ally, Joshua, has called an assembly of all the people in the land of Canaan! Robin: Holy assembly, Batman! What does Joshua have in store for them?