Batman: Robin, the Israelites have finally been given their land, as promised by the Lord!

Robin: But, Batman, there's still one more piece of land that needs to be divided up.

Batman: That's right, Robin. The land of Benjamin needs to be divided up among the seven tribes that remain.

Joker: Heh heh heh...You won't be able to do that without me!

Batman: Joker, what are you doing here?

Joker: I'm here to make sure the land is divided up fairly! I've got my own map of the region that I want to use to make sure everyone gets their fair share.

Robin: But, Joker, how can we trust you?

Joker: You don't have to trust me. Just follow my directions and everything will be divided up properly.

Batman: Alright. We'll do as you say.

Joker: Heh heh heh! Don't worry, Batman. I won't let you down.

Robin: But, Batman, how will we know when the land is divided up properly?

Batman: We will have seven cities from each of the seven tribes, and those cities will be marked on the map.

Joker: That's right, Robin. When all the cities are marked, that will mean that the land has been divided up properly.

Robin: Wow! That's so simple!

Batman: Simple, yet effective. Alright, let's get to work!