"Folks, here's the deal. Joshua chapter 18 is all about how the tribes of Israel had to carve up the land of Canaan. They had to draw lots, literally, just like my father used to say. See here, Jack, this was a huge deal for them, and not gonna happen overnight. So, they went out and did it. What was that? They drew lots and chose who was gonna go where. C'mon, man, it was no malarkey. I'm not joking. Joshua even set aside a special place for the Levites, which was a group of special priests. So, they got a special place. Excuse me, but that's it. I tell you what, it was a lot of work, and it took a long time. Or uh, you know, a really long time. Like, literally, thousands of years ago. That's why it's in the Bible. Not gonna happen again, I can tell you that much. So, that's Joshua 18. See here, Jack, it's a great reminder of how much work it takes to get things done. Amen!"