Folks, here's the deal: Joshua was a righteous man, c'mon man, he was literally the bravest man around. I tell you what, he was the leader of the Israelites and it was his job to take the city of Ai. No malarkey. So, he sent a few of his guys to do a little recon, see here Jack, and they came back and said the people of Ai weren't so tough. So, Joshua and his army went to Ai and took it. My father used to say, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em". That's exactly what Joshua did, he made the people of Ai join his army and they helped him fight the other cities in Canaan. See here Jack, they even made a big pile of rocks to commemorate their victory. What was that? A stone monument? Or uh, you know, like a big pile of rocks? I'm not joking. Anyway, Joshua and his army won the battle and they took the city of Ai. Not gonna happen that the people of Ai would ever come back, excuse me. The Israelites were winning and it looked like nothing could stop them. But, you know, this was a long time ago, literally. I mean, it was like, a couple of thousand years ago. So, things have changed a lot and Joshua's victory is just a distant memory.