Folks, here's the deal - Joshua 24 is about making a covenant with God, and it's no malarkey. My father used to say, "If you wanna be blessed, make a covenant with the Lord". See here, Jack, it says in verse 15 that if we choose to serve other gods, then there's gonna be trouble. We gotta choose this day who we're gonna serve - God or other gods. Not gonna happen, I tell you what, that we can serve both! Excuse me, but what was that? I'm not joking. Joshua 24 is literally about making a covenant with God. C'mon, man, we can't serve both God and other gods - it's one or the other. Or, uh, you know, we can choose to serve neither, but that's not gonna bring us any blessings. Listen, Jack, make the right choice and choose to serve the Lord. You won't regret it.