Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Joshua 17 is about the allotment of land for the children of Joseph, who have two tribes - Manasseh and Ephraim. My father used to say that when it comes to land, you gotta make sure you got your fair share. And that's what young Joshua did. He made sure that Manasseh and Ephraim got their due portion. C'mon, man! That's what justice is all about. Not gonna happen that one tribe gets more than the other. See here, Jack, this is how it went down. Manasseh got the land on the west side of the Jordan, and Ephraim got the land on the east side. But that wasn't the end of it. What was that? They also got land on both sides of the Jordan. Literally, they got land from the river to the sea. Excuse me, but that's a lot of land. I tell you what, that's a real blessing from God. No malarkey. That's why I'm not joking when I say that God was good to his people.