C'mon, man! We're talking about Joshua chapter 20. Listen, Jack, here's the deal: if you're taking refuge from a crime you committed and some dude wants to avenge the crime, you ain't gonna be protected by the law. Literally, my father used to say, "If someone's out for justice, you can't hide". I'm not joking. See here, Jack, in Joshua 20, it talks about what's called the "Cities of Refuge" - basically, safe havens for people who are accused of something. What was that? Oh yeah, or uh, you know, if you committed a crime and somebody's out to get you, you can't hide in the Cities of Refuge. Not gonna happen. I tell you what: the dude who's out for justice can't get you there. Excuse me, it's like a safe haven for people who've done something wrong. Ain't nobody gonna come for you there.