• Chapter 1

    Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Amos was a shepherd, c'mon man! He was literally called by God to tell the people of Israel that they were in trouble. They were worshiping idols and not honoring the Lord, and so God was sending them a warning.

  • Chapter 2

    Listen, Jack, folks! Here's the deal: Amos is a prophet in Judah, and the Lord God is calling him to speak to Israel. He's giving a message of judgment to the people of Israel. Specifically, he's judging them for their failure to keep their promises to God, especially in their worship of idols.

  • Chapter 3

    Folks, listen up! Here's the deal. Amos 3 says, "Listen to me, you people of Israel! God has a message for you. My father used to say, 'You don't get something for nothing.' Well, that's what God is telling you.

  • Chapter 4

    Folks, here's the deal: Amos 4 is literally a chapter full of warnings to the Israelites, who had been so busy worshipping idols that they forgot about taking care of their own people. My father used to say, "You can't just ignore the needy and expect it to all work out in the end".

  • Chapter 5

    Folks, I'm tellin' ya, Amos 5 is a real doozy. See here, Jack, the Lord is mad. Like, really mad. He's all like: "You think you can just ignore me and do whatever you want? Not gonna happen. Or uh, you know, I'm gonna punish you.

  • Chapter 6

    Folks, listen, here's the deal. See here, Jack, Amos 6 is about the destruction of Israel. My father used to say, "Uh, you know, it's gonna be bad when the Lord comes." And he wasn't joking. C'mon, man! The Lord is literally gonna cut down the high ones and bring down the strong ones in Israel.

  • Chapter 7

    Folks, here's the deal: Amos 7 is a chapter about Amos, a prophet sent by God to warn the Israelites against their evil ways. Now, I'm not joking - Amos had some pretty tough words for the Israelites. He said that God was going to send a fire to consume their land, and he also warned them about a plague of locusts.

  • Chapter 8

    Folks, c'mon man! Listen, Jack, here's the deal - I'm gonna tell you about Amos 8. See here, Jack, it was literally like this - back in the day, when my father used to say, this was a time of famine and hunger - no malarkey! People were literally starving, and what was that? They were stealing to survive, or uh, you know, lying to get ahead.

  • Chapter 9

    Listen, Jack, no malarkey, here's the deal: Amos 9 is all about the Lord's promise to restore the nation of Israel and to make it great again. My father used to say, "The Lord will rebuild the nation of Israel and it will be as though it never even left the land.