Folks, I'm tellin' ya, Amos 5 is a real doozy. See here, Jack, the Lord is mad. Like, really mad. He's all like: "You think you can just ignore me and do whatever you want? Not gonna happen. Or uh, you know, I'm gonna punish you." C'mon, man! So, it's like, you gotta do what's right. My father used to say, "Do unto others as you'd have done to you." Not joking. Here's the deal, you ignore the Lord, you gonna get it real bad. Literally. I'm talking about floods, famine, and all kinds of disasters. So, what was that? Listen, Jack, do the right thing and the Lord will bless you. No malarkey! I tell ya, if you don't, you gonna be sorry. Excuse me, but I'm not even sure what else I can say. Just do the right thing and you'll be fine. Alright?