Folks, listen up! Here's the deal. Amos 3 says, "Listen to me, you people of Israel! God has a message for you. My father used to say, 'You don't get something for nothing.' Well, that's what God is telling you. 'Two people can't walk together unless they agree.' See here Jack, God is in charge of everything and he's the only one who knows what's going on. So, if he says two people can't walk together unless they agree, c'mon man, that's just the way it is. No malarkey! He's got his eye on the whole world and he knows what's happening, literally. He says, 'It's not gonna happen' if you don't listen to him. Now, I tell you what. God is like a roaring lion. He's a strong leader and he won't let anyone get away with anything. So, if you don't listen to him, you're gonna hear him roar. And, uh, you know, if he roars, it's not gonna be good. Excuse me, but what was that? He's gonna judge the guilty and punish the wicked. That's what's gonna happen if you don't listen to him. So, here's the deal. Listen to God or else. I'm not joking.