Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Amos was a shepherd, c'mon man! He was literally called by God to tell the people of Israel that they were in trouble. They were worshiping idols and not honoring the Lord, and so God was sending them a warning. He was gonna punish them for their bad behavior, no malarkey! He said he was gonna send a fire to the land of Edom, and that it wouldn't be put out until it had consumed everything in sight. He said he was gonna send a plague to Philistia, and that he was gonna destroy the walls of Gaza. Literally! My father used to say, "If you don't listen to God, you'll get what's coming to you." I'm not joking. See here, Jack, God was gonna send a wind to Tyre, and that it would blow away all the good things that the people had. What was that? Or uh, you know, God said he was gonna cut off the people of Ammon, so they would be scattered among the nations and not have a home to call their own. Not gonna happen, God said he was gonna send a sword to Moab, and that he would destroy all of their towns. I tell you what, Amos was a messenger of God, and he was telling the people to turn back to the Lord, or else they were gonna face the consequences. Excuse me, he was calling them to repentance, so that they could avoid the punishment that God was sending them. That's what the book of Amos is all about.