Folks, c'mon man! Listen Jack, here's the deal - Joel 3 is all about judgement. No malarkey! God is mad and He's gonna punish the wicked nations that have been attacking His people. Literally, He's gonna send out a great army to fight them. I'm not joking. My father used to say, "God will always stand up for the little guy." See here, Jack - He's gonna make sure the wicked ones get their comeuppance. What was that? Oh, yeah - God's gonna gather the nations together at the Valley of Jehoshaphat and judge them there. Or uh, you know, He's gonna separate the sheep from the goats, so to speak. And the goats won't be getting away with anything, that's for sure. Not gonna happen.
I tell you what - when God's anger and judgement come, it's gonna be a terrifying sight. Excuse me - God's gonna fill the valley with the blood of the wicked and the slain. And He's gonna make sure that He's the one in control, not them. That's the gist of Joel 3.