Folks, here's the deal: when I was a kid, my father used to tell me about the book of Joel, you know, no malarkey. Joel 2 is about a prophet who predicts a terrible swarm of locusts in the land of Judah, c'mon, man! He warns them of the terrors of the locusts, saying that they will devour every green thing and leave the land barren. See here, Jack, the Lord commands the people to repent and turn to him, and he promises to restore the land if they do. Uh, the Lord promises to send a great army to save his people, and he says that his people will never be ashamed. Literally, the Lord will pour out his Spirit on all people and give them visions and dreams. I tell you what, that's a pretty cool deal! And the Lord promises to restore the land and make it more fruitful than before. Or uh, you know, he'll provide plenty of food for his people. Not gonna happen that the Lord's people will be ashamed, I'm not joking. Excuse me, what was that? Oh, yeah, Joel 2 - it's a great chapter, full of hope and promise for the Lord's people.