• Chapter 1

    Folks, I'm not joking, here's the deal: Ezekiel had a vision of a storm cloud coming out of the north, with fire inside of it and a bright light. In the middle of the fire was something that looked like four living creatures.

  • Chapter 2

    Listen, Jack. My father used to say that if you don't read the Bible, you don't know what you're talkin' about. So here's the deal. Ezekiel 2 says that God is sending out a prophet to speak his words to the people of Israel.

  • Chapter 3

    Listen, Jack, c'mon man, I'm not joking. Ezekiel 3 is like, literally, the craziest chapter in the Bible, not gonna lie. Here's the deal: Ezekiel is given a scroll to eat and it tastes like honey. But then God tells him he's gotta warn the people of Israel about their sins, or uh, you know, they're gonna be punished.

  • Chapter 4

    Folks, here's the deal. Ezekiel 4 is all about God telling Ezekiel to perform a symbolic act as a warning to the people of Israel. He tells Ezekiel to take a block of clay and draw a city on it as a sign of the destruction of Jerusalem.

  • Chapter 5

    Folks, here's the deal. Ezekiel 5 is a real doozy. It's about God's wrath and punishment for Jerusalem's wickedness. See here, Jack, God's gonna send a famine and a plague, and it's gonna be harsh. And I'm not joking, everyone will be so hungry they'll eat their own children! But God's not done yet.

  • Chapter 6

    Folks, no malarkey! Hear me out, See here, Jack, Ezekiel 6. Here's the deal. This chapter is all about the Lord's judgement against Israel. He's gonna punish them for their idolatry, and it's gonna be bad, I tell you what! He's gonna send earthquakes, famine, and wild animals to kill people and destroy crops.

  • Chapter 7

    Folks, here's the deal: Ezekiel 7 is all about the judgment of the Lord on the people of Judah. Now, I'm not joking - it's really bad news for them. Literally, it says that the Lord is going to use his anger to bring destruction and disaster on the people.

  • Chapter 8

    Listen, Jack, no malarkey here. Ezekiel 8 is all about the Lord taking the prophet to Jerusalem to show him the awful sins of the people. It's like, literally, the Lord's way of saying, "Here's the deal, folks: you can't keep doing this kind of stuff and expect to get away with it.

  • Chapter 9

    Folks, here's the deal. We're talking about Ezekiel 9 and it's no malarkey. Ez 9 is about God's wrath and judgment on the people of Jerusalem. He sends six men to go through the city and put a mark on the foreheads of all the people who are faithful to the Lord.

  • Chapter 10

    Folks, I'm telling you what I saw with my own eyes when I was reading Ezekiel 10! It was literally a sight to behold. Here's the deal: There were these four living creatures, and each one had four faces and four wings.

  • Chapter 11

    C'mon, man! Here's the deal: Ezekiel 11 is all about the Lord's judgment on the people of Jerusalem for their wickedness. I tell ya, the Lord really had it out for the people of Jerusalem and their wickedness.

  • Chapter 12

    Folks, here's the deal. The Lord tells Ezekiel to act out a prophecy, so he packs his bags as if he's leaving and sets up a bunch of signs that show it's a prophecy and not just him, you know, going on vacation or something.

  • Chapter 13

    Folks, here's the deal: Ezekiel 13 is about false prophets and how they will be punished. My father used to say, "If you're gonna go around telling lies, you're gonna get burned." Well, that's exactly what's gonna happen to these false prophets.

  • Chapter 14

    Listen, Jack, Ezekiel 14 is all about God's judgement coming down on the people of Israel. See here, Jack, God is dishing out punishment to the people for their sins, literally. And he says, "No malarkey!" C'mon, man! He's gonna send famine and pestilence to the land and the people are gonna suffer for their sins.

  • Chapter 15

    Folks, here's the deal. The Lord said to Ezekiel, “Listen, Jack, a vine is not like any other tree that grows in the woods. It can't be used for anything - no malarkey! - it's just a worthless piece of wood.

  • Chapter 16

    Well, folks! Ezekiel 16. Let me tell you, I'm not joking when I say this chapter is one of the most interesting in the Bible. It's literally about the Lord's relationship with Jerusalem - C'mon, man! - and His love for His people.

  • Chapter 17

    Folks! Listen, Jack, I'm not joking. Ezekiel 17 is a wild one. That's why I'm gonna break it down. See here, Jack, the Lord says to Ezekiel, "Tell 'em a parable." So, my father used to say, Ezekiel tells 'em a parable about two eagles and a cedar tree.

  • Chapter 18

    Folks, here's the deal. No malarkey: Ezekiel 18 is all about the consequences of sin. See here, Jack, my father used to say that no one is above the law. No matter what they do, they can't escape judgment.

  • Chapter 19

    Listen, Jack, my father used to say, "Ezekiel 19 is like a lioness. She's a mighty mother of seven cubs." See here, Jack, this lioness symbolizes Judah, and her cubs symbolize the kings of Judah. C'mon, man! It's a real bummer.

  • Chapter 20

    Folks, here's the deal: no malarkey! Ezekiel 20 is a real doozy. C'mon man, it's the chapter that really sets the tone for what's to come. See here, Jack, it's a chapter about the Lord's judgement, and it ain't pretty.

  • Chapter 21

    Listen, Jack, excuse me, no malarkey! Here's the deal, Ezekiel 21, c'mon man, literally I tell you what, this is the word of the Lord to the prophet Ezekiel about the Lord's judgment on Jerusalem, it's gonna be a doozy, what was that? Folks, it's gonna be a storm like you've never seen, like uh, you know, like a storm of swords, literally my father used to say, like a storm of swords, not gonna happen.

  • Chapter 22

    C'mon, man! See here, Jack, Ezekiel 22: I'm not joking, this is some serious stuff- I mean, literally, folks, this chapter is about God's judgment on the wicked. My father used to say, "What was that? Justice must be served!" and boy, is it ever.

  • Chapter 23

    Listen, Jack, here's the deal, Ezekiel 23 is no malarkey! It's about two sisters, Aholah and Aholibah, who were literally whorin' around. My father used to say: "What they needed was some discipline." Well, here we are thousands of years later, and He's still sayin' it.

  • Chapter 24

    Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Ezekiel 24 is a wild ride. No malarkey! The Lord is using Ezekiel to illustrate how Israel has betrayed him - how they've taken their God-given blessings for granted and allowed themselves to be corrupted.

  • Chapter 25

    1-7. Folks! Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Ezekiel 25 is all about God's judgement on the neighboring nations, the Philistines and the Ammonites. God's gonna take action, no malarkey. He said, "I'm gonna take my vengeance out on these people, they've been causing trouble since the time of my father, literally.

  • Chapter 26

    Folks, listen, I'm not gonna lie, this Ezekiel 26 is a doozy. Here's the deal, it starts with this Tyre, and it's like, c'mon man, it's the most beautiful city. Literally, it's like, the shining city on a hill.

  • Chapter 27

    Listen, Jack, or uh, you know, here's the deal on Ezekiel chapter 27. This chapter is basically about a lamentation for the city of Tyre, which was a great trading hub in the Mediterranean Sea. C'mon, man! It was literally the most important trading hub in the world at the time.

  • Chapter 28

    Folks, here's the deal. My father used to say: "Listen, Jack, don't mess with a prince of Tyre. He's no ordinary man, no malarkey! He's like a divine being, literally. I'm not joking. See here, Jack, with a crown of gold, he's wise and has great understanding.

  • Chapter 29

    Listen, Jack, I tell you what, we got an important chapter here in Ezekiel 29. My father used to say, 'Ezekiel is a powerful book, no malarkey!' And I'm not joking, folks, this chapter is all about Egypt.

  • Chapter 30

    Listen, Jack [C'mon, man!], here's the deal: Ezekiel 30 is a chapter of doom and gloom. God says that He's gonna bring punishment on Egypt, Ethiopia, and the whole of the world. Literally, He's gonna bring a sword, famine, and pestilence, and the people won't be able to escape it.

  • Chapter 31

    C'mon, man! Listen, Jack, I tell you what, here's the deal with Ezekiel 31. My father used to say, "A tree can't grow to the sky" - and that's what we're talking about in this chapter. See here, Jack, Pharaoh was this big tree, growing so high and mighty, and folks, it was literally as if he was trying to reach for the stars! But then it all came tumbling down, like a house of cards.

  • Chapter 32

    7-14. Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Ezekiel 32:7-14 is all about God's judgement. C'mon man, it's literally gonna be intense. He's gonna open up the gates of hell and really lay down the law. And I'm not joking, folks! My father used to say, "If you don't do what God says, you're gonna suffer the consequences.

  • Chapter 33

    "C'mon, man, listen, Jack. Here's the deal, Ezekiel 33. Folks, no malarkey! This chapter is literally about God sending Ezekiel to warn his people of the coming judgment. My father used to say, 'You gotta warn people, or they won't know how to prepare.

  • Chapter 34

    Folks, here's the deal: Ezekiel 34 is all about shepherds and their sheep. Now, I'm not talking about the kind of shepherds you see in the movies, with the little lamb tucked into their arms. No, this is about the shepherds of the Lord's people, and the Lord's own flock of sheep.

  • Chapter 35

    Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Ezekiel 35 is about God punishing the Edomites for their wickedness. I'm not joking, folks, Edom was just about the worst of all the nations, and God was not gonna stand for it.

  • Chapter 36

    Folks, here's the deal. See, in Ezekiel 36, God promised to give the people of Israel a new heart and spirit and to bring them back to their homeland. Now, listen, Jack - this is no malarkey! It's literally a promise of a new life for them, and I tell you what - my father used to say that it was a sign of God's amazing love for His people.

  • Chapter 37

    Folks, here's the deal. Ezekiel 37 starts off with this crazy vision of a valley full of dried-up bones. I'm not joking, my father used to say the Lord can work miracles. Well, in this vision, God tells the prophet Ezekiel to prophesy over the bones, and then they suddenly come to life! Literally, I tell ya, I ain't seen nothing like it.

  • Chapter 38

    Listen, Jack, here's the deal - Ezekiel 38 is all about a war that's coming - a war between Gog of Magog and all these other countries like Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya. C'mon, man! It's a big one. My father used to say, "There's no bigger battle than a battle of Gog and Magog!" Not gonna happen, but I tell you what - it's gonna be a big one!

  • Chapter 39

    Folks, here's the deal: God is gonna give a warning to Gog, the leader of Magog, and the nations around him. Gog and his people are gonna be punished, and God's gonna be glorified. No malarkey! C'mon, man!

  • Chapter 40

    Listen, Jack, here's the deal. We are talking about Ezekiel 40. My father used to say that this chapter is literally one of the most incredible chapters in the entire Bible. It tells the story of how the Lord had Ezekiel measure the temple, the court, and all the chambers and gates.

  • Chapter 41

    Folks, here's the deal: My father used to say that the Lord is all-knowing and He knows that Ezekiel has seen the inside of the temple. Ezekiel is like, wow, this is incredible! This temple is literally larger than any other.

  • Chapter 42

    Listen, Jack, here's the deal - Ezekiel's giving us the lowdown on the temple in this chapter. He's got measurements, dimensions and all that jazz. The building's gonna be huge - literally, no malarkey! - and it's gonna be filled with holy chambers, or uh, you know, places of worship.

  • Chapter 43

    Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Ezekiel 43 is all about the Lord's return to the Temple. Literally, the Lord appeared to Ezekiel and showed him a vision. He said, "no malarkey!, this is the place of my throne, the place where I will dwell among the Israelites forever.

  • Chapter 44

    Listen, Jack, I'm not joking, this chapter is all about the Temple of the Lord. And folks, it's gonna be a big deal. My father used to say, "If you don't have a temple, you don't have a nation!" That's why the Lord is gonna make sure the Temple is only open to the priests he chooses.

  • Chapter 45

    Folks, here's the deal. I'm not gonna lie to ya, Ezekiel 45 is a real doozy. I mean, it's literally a lot. My father used to say, "Joe, Ezekiel 45 is a real handful!" But I'm not joking, it's really something else.

  • Chapter 46

    Listen, Jack, Ezekiel 46 is a real doozy. Here's the deal: the Lord tells us in this chapter that His temple must be kept holy and that no malarkey will be tolerated when it comes to His rules. He says that the prince must not take away from the people any of their land, and that he must give them their food when the Sabbath comes around.

  • Chapter 47

    "Hey folks, here's the deal. Listen, Jack. Ezekiel 47 is talking about a river that flows out of the temple. C'mon, man! It starts out small, like a trickle, and then it gets bigger and bigger, until it's literally like a raging river.

  • Chapter 48

    Folks, listen up! Here's the deal: Ezekiel 48 is about the division of the land of Israel among the twelve tribes, no malarkey! It says that the northern boundary of the land will be a line from the Mediterranean Sea to the east of the Jordan River.