Folks! Listen, Jack, I'm not joking. Ezekiel 17 is a wild one. That's why I'm gonna break it down. See here, Jack, the Lord says to Ezekiel, "Tell 'em a parable." So, my father used to say, Ezekiel tells 'em a parable about two eagles and a cedar tree. C'mon, man! The eagle with great wings and long feathers lands on the cedar tree and takes the top of the cedar tree and plants it in fertile soil. Literally! And then God says, "I'm gonna take the seed of the king of Babylon and plant it in a mighty nation." Or, uh, you know, it's gonna be a kingdom of kings. But then God says, "This isn't gonna happen - the seed of the king of Babylon won't sprout." I tell you what, no malarkey! Well, God says the seed of the king of Babylon will be plucked up and thrown away. Excuse me, but God also says something about a sparrow, a field of grass and a great eagle. What was that? Oh yeah, God says the sparrow will make its nest in the field of grass and the great eagle will come and eat it up. So, here's the deal, it's a real wild parable. But the point is clear - the seed of the king of Babylon won't sprout. Not gonna happen.