Joe: Alright, what can you tell us about Ezekiel 17?
Bible Expert: Ezekiel 17 is a chapter in the Bible that tells the story of God's judgement of the nation of Israel. In the chapter, God tells Ezekiel to tell a parable about a great eagle that came down and took the topmost twig of a cedar tree and then planted it in a land of merchants.
Joe: Wow, ok, so what's the significance of that?
Bible Expert: Well, the eagle is a symbol for God and the cedar tree is a symbol for Israel. The eagle taking the topmost twig of the tree symbolizes God taking the people of Israel and planting them in a new land.
Joe: Interesting. So what happens next?
Bible Expert: Well, the twig begins to grow and become a great cedar tree, symbolizing the nation of Israel growing and becoming great. But then God says that the cedar tree will be destroyed by the wind and the rain, symbolizing God's judgement on Israel.
Joe: Yikes! So what happens after that?
Bible Expert: After that, God tells Ezekiel that he will take some of the branches from the cedar tree and plant them in a fertile land, symbolizing God's restoration of Israel. God also says that he will give the tree new life and it will grow and become a great cedar tree again, symbolizing the renewal of Israel.