Joe: Alright, so let's dive into Chapter 4 of Ezekiel. What's going on in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Alright, so in this chapter, God commands Ezekiel to build a model of Jerusalem out of clay and put it on the ground. He then orders Ezekiel to lay siege to the model of Jerusalem and to represent the coming siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians.
Joe: Wow, that is wild. So he's supposed to act out what's about to happen to the city?
Bible Expert: That's right. He's supposed to do this as a sign to the people that the siege of Jerusalem is coming and that it's going to be a difficult time.
Joe: Wow, that's really intense. So what else is going on in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, God also commands Ezekiel to represent the coming famine by lying on his left side for 390 days and then lying on his right side for 40 days. During this time, he's supposed to eat a very limited diet of bread and water.
Joe: Wow, that's wild. So he's supposed to act out the coming famine?
Bible Expert: That's right. It's a sign to the people that a famine is coming and that it's going to be a difficult time.
Joe: So what else is in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, there's also a part where God commands Ezekiel to shave off his beard and divide it into thirds, and then burn one third, strike one third with a sword, and scatter the last third to the wind. This is a sign of the coming destruction of Jerusalem.
Joe: Wow, that is wild! So he's supposed to act out the destruction of the city?
Bible Expert: That's right. It's a sign to the people that Jerusalem is going to be destroyed and that it's going to be a difficult time.