Joe: Alright, so let's talk about Ezekiel 25. What is this chapter about?
Bible Expert: Well Joe, this chapter is all about the judgement God has in store for the Ammonites and the Moabites.
Joe: Whoa! That sounds intense. What did they do to deserve God's wrath?
Bible Expert: Well, they were both guilty of mocking Israel and seeking to gain power by destroying them.
Joe: Wait, I'm sorry, I thought the Moabites were like allies of the Israelites?
Bible Expert: Yes and no Joe. The Moabites had formed a treaty with Israel, but it was more of a tactical alliance. They still saw the Israelites as rivals and were constantly trying to undermine their power.
Joe: Wow. So what kind of judgement are they facing?
Bible Expert: In the chapter, God promises to bring down judgement on the Ammonites and Moabites, including destruction, plundering, and terror. He also vows to wipe out their gods and take away their land.
Joe: That's harsh. Is there any hope for these nations in the future?
Bible Expert: Yes, there is some hope. God promises to restore them in the future, but they must first repent and turn away from their wicked ways.