Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! It looks like Ezekiel 25 is all about judgement!

Batman: That's right, Robin. God will be punishing the Ammonites for their sins by attacking them with a great army.

Catwoman: Shame on them! They never learn.

Batman: Indeed, Catwoman. The Lord will also punish the Philistines and the Edomites.

Robin: Wow, that's harsh!

Riddler: Harsh, but just. The Lord will not be trifled with.

Batman: No, he won't. He will also punish Moab and Ammon for their arrogance and their attempts to oppress others.

Penguin: Sounds like they have it coming.

Robin: But it's not all gloom and doom. The Lord promises that after he punishes them, he will restore them and they will be blessed.

Joker: That's great news! They better not mess it up this time.