Batman: Robin, this is a grave situation. We must confront the villain who has been wreaking havoc on the kingdom of Tyre.

Robin: Who is it this time, Batman?

Batman: It's none other than the prince of Tyre! He has become so proud and arrogant that he is no longer fit to rule.

Catwoman: Oh, I think I know who you're talking about. He's the one who claims to be a god and is so full of himself.

Batman: That's right, Catwoman. He has forgotten that he is still just a man and has become too powerful.

Riddler: What are you going to do about it, Batman?

Batman: I'm going to confront him and tell him that he is no more divine than any other man. He will be brought down and judged for his pride.

Penguin: That's harsh.

Batman: It may be harsh, but it's necessary. No man can be allowed to think he is greater than the Lord.

Robin: But what will happen to the prince?

Batman: He will be humbled and brought down to the ground. He will be stripped of his power and his glory. He will be judged and punished for his arrogance.