Batman: Robin, the Riddler has been at it again. I believe this time he's left us clues from the Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 8.
Robin: Holy Bible verses, Batman! What does it say?
Batman: Well Robin, Ezekiel 8 tells of the Lord's glory appearing in the temple. In the vision, there were cherubim, the wings of which spread out and covered the throne.
Riddler: Ha ha ha! An angelic throne, no less!
Batman: That's right, Riddler. Then the Lord commanded Ezekiel to go to the door of the temple and look in. What he saw were idolatrous images of every kind of creature.
Catwoman: What a fascinating vision!
Batman: It was indeed, Catwoman. Then the Lord commanded Ezekiel to go to the inner court of the temple, where he found 25 men with their backs to the temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east.
Robin: Gosh, what were the 25 men doing?
Batman: They were worshipping the sun! The Lord was very displeased and so he sent his judgment and destroyed the idolatrous images and the men who were worshipping them.
Joker: Wow, that's pretty intense!
Batman: Indeed it is, Joker. But it is a reminder for us to always stay true to the Lord and His Word.