Robin: Holy Book of Ezekiel, Batman! It looks like we're in for a wild ride.
Batman: Indeed, Robin. Ezekiel 44 speaks of God giving the Israelites a new priesthood - the Levites.
Catwoman: Oh purr-lease, you two are taking this way too seriously. The Levites get to wear special clothes and have special laws to follow. Big deal.
Batman: You may not find it a big deal, Catwoman, but this new priesthood is a sign of God's faith in the Israelites. It is a sign of his willingness to forgive them for their past sins.
Robin: Which is really important, Catwoman. It's like God is saying he trusts them again.
Batman: Precisely, Robin. The Levites also have some special duties. They are to guard the entrances to the temple and make sure no unqualified people enter.
Riddler: Well, that certainly sounds like a riddle worthy of me. How are they supposed to know who is qualified and who isn't?
Batman: The Levites will have to use their discretion. They will have to determine who is qualified and who isn't based on the criteria given by God.
Joker: Ha! That's a joke if I ever heard one. Who's to say the Levites won't abuse their power?
Robin: Don't worry, Joker. God will be watching them and judging them accordingly. He will make sure they do the right thing.