Batman: Robin, we've been called to the Valley of the Dry Bones!
Robin: What could it be, Batman?
Batman: A mysterious vision of the prophet Ezekiel!
Catwoman: I wouldn't miss this for the world!
Joker: Neither would I!
Batman: Ezekiel saw a valley full of dry bones - an image of the Israelites' despair and hopelessness.
Riddler: Fascinating!
Batman: Then God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones. When he did, the bones started to come together, muscle and sinew formed, and skin covered them.
Robin: It's a miracle!
Batman: Indeed, but it doesn't stop there. God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy a second time, and breath entered the dry bones, and the bones came to life!
Penguin: Unbelievable!
Batman: Yes, it is. God gave Ezekiel a message for the Israelites - He could bring life and hope to their despair.
Joker: A powerful message indeed!
Batman: Indeed. Let's go back to the Batcave and contemplate its meaning.