Folks, here's the deal. Ezekiel 37 starts off with this crazy vision of a valley full of dried-up bones. I'm not joking, my father used to say the Lord can work miracles. Well, in this vision, God tells the prophet Ezekiel to prophesy over the bones, and then they suddenly come to life! Literally, I tell ya, I ain't seen nothing like it. No malarkey!
Then the Lord explains to Ezekiel that these bones represent the whole nation of Israel, and he's gonna regather them from all the places they were scattered. See here, Jack, God's gonna make a new covenant with Israel, and they're gonna live in their own land again. It's like a miracle, right? But it gets better.
The Lord says he's gonna give the people of Israel a new heart and a new spirit. It's like he's giving them a whole new lease on life. Or uh, you know, a fresh start. And God promises to put his Spirit in them so they'll always obey him and never turn away from him. What was that? Here's the deal, God's gonna be their God and they'll be his people. Not gonna happen that they turn away from him again.
C'mon, man, God's gonna make them into one nation. One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. Excuse me, but like I said, it's like a miracle.