Listen, Jack, here's the deal - Ezekiel's giving us the lowdown on the temple in this chapter. He's got measurements, dimensions and all that jazz. The building's gonna be huge - literally, no malarkey! - and it's gonna be filled with holy chambers, or uh, you know, places of worship. Ezekiel’s telling us it’s gonna be bigger, better and more beautiful than any temple ever built before. My father used to say, there’s nothing like a building to bring people together. He’s also letting us know who’s gonna be in charge. We’re talking priests, Levites and other holy folks. I tell you what, folks, these folks don’t mess around - this building’s gonna be strictly off-limits to the average Joe. See here, Jack, Ezekiel’s not gonna let just anyone in. What was that? No way, no how, not gonna happen. Excuse me, but don't forget - the Lord's gonna dwell here in this temple, so everybody better be on their best behavior!