Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Ezekiel 43 is all about the Lord's return to the Temple. Literally, the Lord appeared to Ezekiel and showed him a vision. He said, "no malarkey!, this is the place of my throne, the place where I will dwell among the Israelites forever." My father used to say this was the place where he'd find peace and security - and I'm not joking, that's what the Lord promised. Now, see here, Jack. What was that? Oh, I know - the Lord said he'd rebuild the Temple of the Lord. Not gonna happen any other way. I tell you what, he's gonna establish his own laws and rule with justice. Excuse me, but this is a big moment for the Israelites. C'mon, man! Literally, the Lord is gonna dwell among them and make sure they stay on the right path. That's Ezekiel 43 folks!